Police Commission Weekly Meeting
April 06, 2007
Notes from the April 3, 2007 Police Commission Weekly Meeting
• 65 new recruits were added on Monday, April 2, 2007.
• General Services, Port of Los Angeles and Airport Police cadets will all be trained together in the LAPD Academy, per a new agreement.
• LAPD currently has 273 recruits, which is a 56% increase over this time last year. The goal for this year is 650 total, but it is projected there could be as many as 740 by year’s end.
• There are currently 752 officers signed up for the DROP Program.
• On Wednesday, April 4, 2007 at 10:00 a.m., Chief Bratton will hold a news conference to discuss gang crime statistics
• Chief Bratton and Mayor Villaraigosa were in Washington D.C. last week for a series of meetings that were deemed successful, including one with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
• The Pelican 7060 LED Flashlight has been approved. The flashlight is the end result of design suggestions made by the 150 LAPD officers who participated in the design process.
• On Monday, April 2, 2007, Chief Bratton officially notified the Commission of his desire for reappointment as Chief of Police, following protocol outlined by City Charter Section 575 (c). A public hearing will be held on the Chief’s reappointment. The date will be announced soon.
• A discussion of the new Police Headquarters Facility, new jail facility and current health and safety issues related to the Police Administration Building was continued until next week’s meeting.
• The Department’s report requesting proposals for the Alarm and Permit Management System to maximize efficiency of permitting alarm systems and to track and bill false alarm responses was approved.
• Police Commission Vice President Alan J. Skobin’s report and Inspector General Andre Birotte’s report on the audit of the Anti-Terrorism Intelligence Section were both approved. Counter Terrorism and Criminal Intelligence Bureau was commended for its good work and was acknowledged as being a leader in the field. CTCIB’s Deputy Chief Mark Leap and Captain Gary Williams, on the eve of their retirements, spoke at the meeting and were commended for their long careers and excellent hard work.
• The Department’s report on the Initiation of Complaints Audit for the first quarter of fiscal year 2006/2007, and the Executive Summary, were both approved.
• The Department’s report pertaining to the Hunter-La Ley Quarterly Report for deployment periods 10-13 in fiscal year 2006/2007 was approved.