Notes from the July 10, 2007 Police Commission Weekly Meeting
July 11, 2007
•There are currently 407 recruits in the Academy. The Department is on track with recruitment goals.
•The presentation from the City's Domestic Violence Task Force, including Commander Harlan Ward, relative to their community action programs, domestic violence services, and other matters as it relates to public safety, was accepted.
•The Department's verbal presentation and discussion by Consent Decree Bureau Police Administrator Gerald Chaleff and TEAMS II Police Administrator Maggie Goodrich, relative to the Status of Training Evaluation and Management System (TEAMS) II, was accepted.
•The Department's verbal presentation by Information and Communication Services Bureau Chief Information Officer Tim Riley, relative to the current status of processing of police reports and the timeframe for copies to be obtained, was accepted.
•The Department's verbal presentation and PowerPoint presentation by Deputy Chief Michael Hillmann and Commander Sandy Jo MacArthur, relative to "21st Century Mobile Field Force Training Doctrine" and training curriculum, was accepted.
•The Department's report discussed by Assistant Chief Earl Paysinger, relative to the Office of Operations' comprehensive plan to correct the deficiencies noted in the Command Accountability Performance Audit, was approved.
•The Department's report, relative to a Grant Application and Standard Agreement for the 2007-2008 Operation ABC Grant Award from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, was approved.
•The Department's report discussed by Consent Decree Bureau Police Administrator Gerald Chaleff, relative to a follow-up review of Motor Vehicle and Pedestrian Stop Data Collection Audit, Second, Quarter Fiscal Year 2006/2007, in accordance with Paragraphs 104, 105, 128, and 131(a, c, and e) of the Consent Decree, was approved.
•The Department's report, relative to the Categorical Use of Force Investigations Audit, Fourth Quarter, Fiscal Year 2006/2007, in accordance with the Annual Audit Plan, was approved.
•The Department's report, relative to the Gang Enforcement Detail Work Product Assessment Summary Phase II, Fourth Quarter, Fiscal Year 2006/2007, pursuant to Consent Decree Paragraphs 131 (f and g), was approved.
•The Department's report, relative to the Non-Categorical Use of Force Reports Audit, Fourth Quarter, Fiscal Year 2006/2007, pursuant to the Annual Audit Plan, was approved.
•The Department's report discussed by Assistant Chief Earl Paysinger and Consent Decree Bureau Police Administrator Gerald Chaleff, relative to the Foreign Language and Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) Audit, Fourth Quarter, Fiscal Year 2006/2007, in accordance with the Annual Audit Plan, was approved with the stipulation that a follow-up report on actions taken and results achieved be presented to the Commission in 30 days.
•The Department's report discussed by Assistant Chief Earl Paysinger and Consent Decree Bureau Police Administrator Gerald Chaleff, relative to the Supervisory Performance Evaluations Audit, Fourth Quarter, Fiscal Year 2006/2007, in accordance with Paragraphs 62, 70c, and 108i of the Consent Decree, was approved with the stipulation that a status update on progress be presented to the Commission every 45 days.
•The Department's report and the Inspector General's report, relative to the Department's Categorical Use of Force Systems Audit, Third Quarter, Fiscal Year 2006/2007, in accordance with the Annual Audit Plan, was approved.
•The Department's report and the Inspector General's report, relative to the Gang Enforcement Detail Selection Criteria Audit, Third Quarter, Fiscal Year 2006/2007, in accordance with the Annual Audit Plan, was approved.
•Congratulations to Detective Ben Jones, named Employee of the Month and presented with a plaque by the Los Angeles Police Commission.
Just in one week, the managers of the LAPD presented the results of nearly 10 audits to the police commission. That's what taxpayers in this city are getting for their high business taxes and higher trash fees: pencil-pushers, bean counters, and auditors that fill up the monstrous ranks of the Minutae Squad. Taxpayers will be liberated from the millions wasted every year when Kroll and Associates is sent packing out of town and these hundreds of bean counters get sent back out on the streets to do what they were hired to do: arrest criminals.
This was the side of the story no one reports to the true bosses of the LAPD: the taxpaying public.
Ching! Ching! Another million going to paper cuts and dead trees.
Posted by: B&WOp | July 12, 2007 at 12:04 PM