Pitbull Escapes and Attacks Officer
July 12, 2007
Los Angeles: An officer shot and fatally wounded a pitbull when the dog attacked the officers.
On July 6, 2007, at about 6:50 PM, Officer Tom Willers and his partner were serving a search warrant in the 600 block of West 61st Street. The officers were in the backyard when the pitbull, which was being held by his owner, got away and charged at the officers. Officer Willers fired several times with his duty weapon and struck the dog.
The dog died as a result of its injuries.
Officer Willers, 29, has been with the Department for 4 years.
77th Area Detectives are conducting the investigation.
If you can't even control your dog while you are holding it. THEN YOU DON'T DESERVE TO HAVE A DOG. Spend the money and have it trained. I can leave my gate open and my dog will not go out. I say sit and stay he does that until told otherwise. I may not always agree with the shooting of dogs but this time I see no other choice. By the way my dog is a German Shepard.
Posted by: ron | July 12, 2007 at 11:51 AM
Will this Officer get nominated for the Medal of Valor?????
Posted by: Eric | July 14, 2007 at 03:50 AM
Good shot Thomas, Front Site Presssssssssssssss!
Posted by: Ed O'Shea | July 15, 2007 at 10:01 AM
There has to be a way to hold the owner of the dog responsible for not taking stronger measure to prevent such an incident from happening as well as the incident having resulted in the death of the animal.
Posted by: Dairenn Lombard | July 17, 2007 at 07:56 PM