Los Angeles Department of Transportation Announces May 1, 2010 Street Closures for Downtown Los Angeles- CIVIC CENTER AREA
April 30, 2010
Los Angeles: The City of Los Angeles, Department of
Transportation (LADOT) is advising
motorists of street closures on Saturday, May 1 because of the Labor and
Immigration March and Rally that will occur throughout the day. Street
closures and severely impacted traffic flow are expected within the area
bounded by Cesar Chavez Avenue to the north, Alameda Street to the
east, Pico Boulevard to the south and Hoover Street to the west.
The United for Immigration Reform March and Rally will take place this Saturday, May 1. Participants will begin arriving as early as 6 a.m. to the assembly area located on Broadway between 11th Street and Olympic Boulevard. Depending on the crowd size, the assembly area could expand north to 9th Street and include Olympic Boulevard between Hill Street and Main Street. Road closures for the assembly will begin as early as 5:45 a.m. The march is scheduled to begin at 11a.m. (See attached plan for route details.) Route road closures will begin as early as 10 a.m. LADOT will reopen portions of the route accordingly. Depending on crowd size, streets along the route may reopen as early as 1 p.m. or as late as 3 p.m. The disbanding area (Broadway between 1st Street and Temple Street) will remain closed until approximately 6 p.m.
“We encourage Downtown workers, residents and visitors to use other transit alternatives such as Metro’s Red Line, Blue Line and Gold Line or Metrolink, to travel in and out of Downtown on Saturday. LADOT will be working closely with LAPD in order to keep Downtown area traffic moving, but we do expect significant impacts,” said LADOT General Manager Rita L. Robinson.
LADOT Parking Lot # 753, located at 414 E. Temple St. (at Alameda
Street), will be closed on Saturday.
Area commuters can visit http://trafficinfo.lacity.org/ for real-time
traffic information and more detailed information on the marchers’
route. Real-time traffic reports are a product of LADOT, innovators of
Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control System (ATSAC) technology.
For specific information about DASH Downtown Weekend buses or Commuter
Express routes, schedules or fares, please visit our website at
www.ladottransit.com or call (213, 310, 323 or 818) 808-2273.
Who's flipping the bill for this one??? The ACLU?
Posted by: Ed O'Shea | April 30, 2010 at 03:08 PM