Notes from the November 23, 2010 Weekly Police Commission Meeting
November 24, 2010
• Police Commission Vice President Alan Skobin attended the Chief’s Muslim Forum and the Topanga Area Town Hall meeting over the weekend. He said both events were well attended and productive. He also said he was unable to attend the Fight for Life Boxing Event but said it was a good show of support by the Department for a most worthy cause in the City of Hope.
• Police Commissioner Richard Drooyan attended the Asian Pacific Islander Community Forum last week and said it was a very positive experience.
• Police Chief Charlie Beck attended the Fight for Life Boxing event held in conjunction with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the New York Police Department. He said it was a tremendous event with some really good boxing matches. He added it was all for a good cause as money raised benefitted the City of Hope Cancer Research Center.
• The Department’s verbal report and discussion relative to the status of the Digital In-Car Video System in Operations South Bureau was given by Deputy Chief Patrick Gannon. Chief Gannon informed the Board the video is the most important equipment given to Officers in the last 10 years. He said some officers were somewhat skeptical and hesitant to embrace the system. Chief Gannon said the skepticism was brought on by a lack of training and added 95% of South Bureau Officers have been trained up to this point. Training for new South Bureau employees is done at orientation. Chief Gannon concluded by saying there has been more than 18 thousand hours of video uploaded into the system since its inception.
• The Department’s verbal update and discussion relative to the status and recommendations contained in the Department’s Vehicle Pursuit Management Audit, dated June 21, 2010, was given by Captain Jodi Wakefield. Captain Wakefield stated there were 6 objectives which were audited with 4 of them receiving a 90% or above and 2 objectives receiving a 60% - 65%. Those two objectives dealt with administrative actions being placed on TEAMS II reports. Captain Wakefield added there is a need to create an automated system which informs command staff when actions are completed.
• The Department’s report, dated November 2, 2010, relative to Blake-Justice Decree – Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Annual Report, as given by Police Administrator Gerald Chaleff, was approved and transmitted to the Public Safety Bureau, Recruitment and Selection Division. Mr. Chaleff said the Blake-Justice Decree is the last of the Concent Decree mandates it has. He said the Department is required to use the decree to report on hiring and said the mandate is doing well. He concluded by saying it is important the community gets a Police Department that reflects the community.
• The Department’s report, dated November 8, 2010, relative to Hunter-La-Ley Consent Decree Annual Report-Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010, was approved and transmitted to the Office of the City Attorney.
• The Department’s Report, dated April 29, 2010 and Inspector General’s report, dated November 15, 2010, relative to the Ethics Enforcement Section Quarterly Report, First Quarter 2010 – Public Version, was approved.